This 159-page publication first appeared as the entire October 1951 issue of the Orgone Energy Bulletin. In it, Reich documents his 1950-1951 laboratory experiments at Orgonon to test the effects of concentrated orgone energy on nuclear energy. Reich’s principal objective was the “investigation of possible anti-nuclear radiation effects in the atmospheric orgone energy.”
The most critical of these experiments took place in January 1951, when Reich placed a one-milligram needle of radium (procured from the Canadian Radium and Uranium Corporation in New York City) into a small one-layer orgone accumulator that was placed into a 20-layer orgone accumulator that was located inside the metal-lined Orgone Room in the Student Laboratory. The unexpected results of this experiment would be a major leap forward in Reich’s orgone energy research.
The first half of this report comprises Reich’s documentation of his earlier laboratory and field work leading up to the Oranur Experiment.
Introduction and Survey
Integration of Visual Orgone Energy Functions
“Particles” in the air
The Geiger-Müller Effect of Cosmic Orgone Energy
The Discovery of the Motor Reactions of Orgone Energy
The Orgone Energy Charged Vacuum Tubes (Vacor)
Quest for Higher CPM Output
The Orgone Energy Pulse in Living and Nonliving Systems
The Alive Antenna-Grid Wire in the Radio
Orgonotic Geiger Action Without Gas Ions
Methods of Measurement of the Vacor Energy Field
Orgone Energy (OR) Versus Nuclear Energy (NR) — ORANUR
Introductory Remarks
Basic Premises of the Oranur Project
Sequence of Events
Orgone Energy Runs Amok (DOR): “Oranur Sickness”
Specific Biological Reactions
Atmospheric Oranur Chain Reaction
Oranur Results in Mice
Health Measures and Evacuation of Diseased Workers
A Close Call for One Physician
Interruption of the Oranur Experiment
Xray Effects and Oranur Sickness
From the Record: April 12-April 30, 1951