Frans Widerberg (1934—2017): Solveig’s song © Frans Widerberg / BONO, Oslo 2022
The Living Body: Wilhelm Reich’s Influence on Contemporary Psychotherapies
The Living Body: Wilhelm Reich’s Influence on Contemporary Psychotherapies
AUGUST 2 TO 5, 2022
Videos of the conference sessions are now available to all attendees.
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In pursuing the development of psychosomatic medicine and an energetic model of health which respected the importance of psyche and soma equally, Wilhelm Reich created the foundation for what ultimately came to be known as the fields of Body Psychotherapy, Somatic Psychology and others.
Building upon the conference we presented in the summer of 2021, Wilhelm Reich and Psychoanalysis, the goal of this conference is to map the field of body-centered therapy today. Speakers from the Americas, Europe and Australia, representing Reich’s Orgone Therapy as well as a variety of schools which are heirs to Reich such as Radix, Bioenergetics, Biodynamic Therapy, Biosynthesis, Gestalt, Navarro, Core Energetics and other modalities based in important ways on his approach, will present and describe their respective theories, training processes and therapeutic methods.
Historians will present an overview of Reich’s evolution from psychoanalysis to character analysis, to the more body-centered character analytic vegetotherapy, and beyond.
By exploring this field through the common denominator, the theories and techniques developed by Wilhelm Reich, we hope to generate interaction and exchanges and highlight the similarities, differences and relationships between traditions.
With so many schools of therapy represented, there are bound to be some differences of opinion about theory and practice. By bringing them together, we hope to give participants a comprehensive overview of the field and build bridges between individuals and groups who have much in common and might benefit from direct, respectful interaction with one another.
The conference will be conducted in-person in Rangeley, Maine on Tuesday through Friday, August 2-5. It will also be broadcast live over the Internet via Zoom video. Some pre-conference events are scheduled for Monday, August 1 – see below.
Some speakers will be present in Rangeley, others will speak over Zoom video.
Most presentations will be in English, some will be in Spanish. One will be given in native Italian. Simultaneous translation into Spanish and English, as necessary, will be provided on a dedicated Zoom audio channel. Wireless headsets will be provided so that in-person attendees can listen to the translation channel.
Each day of conference sessions will begin at 8:45 am and end at 4:00 pm Eastern Daylight Time (the final day is scheduled to end at 3:30 pm). The table below shows approximate conference start and end times in several other time zones. Please use these examples as a guide to determine the times at your location.
Time Zone |
Hours |
United States East Coast | 8:45 am to 4:00 pm EDT (Eastern Daylight Time, UTC-4) |
São Paulo, Brazil | 9:45 am to 5:00 pm BRT (Brasilia Time, UTC-3) |
Mexico City, Mexico | 7:45 am to 3:00 pm CDT (Central Daylight Time, UTC-5) |
United States West Coast | 5:45 am to 1:00 pm PDT (Pacific Daylight Time, UTC-7) |
United Kingdom | 1:45 pm to 9:00 pm BST (British Summer Time, UTC+1) |
Germany | 14:45 to 22:00 CEST (Central European Summer Time, UTC+2) |
Sydney, New South Wales, Australia | 10:45 pm to 6:00 am AEST (Australian Eastern Standard Time, UTC+10) |
Conference Schedule
Sunday, July 31 | PRE-CONFERENCE EVENTS IN RANGELEY | Location |
7:00pm – 9:00pm | Pianist Andy Kahn will perform a concert to benefit the Wilhelm Reich Museum. Tickets $10 | Rangeley Lakes School Gymnasium |
Monday, August 1 | PRE-CONFERENCE EVENTS IN RANGELEY | Location |
9:00am – 11:00am | Renata Reich Moise will lead a workshop: How to build and use an orgone energy accumulator pad/blanket (materials provided for a fee of $25) | Rangeley Lakes School Gymnasium |
2:00pm – 4:30pm | Professor James Strick will lead an outing to one of the local Rangeley hiking destinations (weather permitting) | Meet in front of the Conference Building at Orgonon |
7:00pm – 8:30pm | Concert: Singer/songwriter Chris Ross, great-grandson of Wilhelm Reich, will perform. | Outdoors – Orgone Energy Observatory Building at Orgonon |
Tuesday, August 2 | DAY ONE SESSIONS | Speaking from: |
8:45am – 9:00am | Renata Reich Moise – Welcome message | Rangeley |
9:00am – 10:30am | Jonathan Koblenzer – Wilhelm Reich and the Psychoanalytic Movement | Rangeley |
10:30am – 12:00noon | Håvard Friis Nilsen – Wilhelm Reich and the development of Character-Analytic Vegetotherapy | Rangeley |
12:00noon – 1:00pm | LUNCH BREAK | |
1:00pm – 2:30pm | Genovino Ferri – From Character-Analytic Vegetotherapy to Contemporary Reichian Analysis | Via Zoom from Italy |
2:30pm – 4:00pm | Dan Schiff – The influence of Wilhelm Reich on Fritz Perls and the development of Gestalt Therapy | Via Zoom from Portland, Oregon, US |
4:30pm – 6:00pm | Museum tours available | Observatory building |
6:00pm – 8:00pm | Wine and cheese reception | Observatory building |
Wednesday, August 3 | DAY TWO SESSIONS | Speaking from: |
8:45am – 9:00am | Mai Yamaguchi – Welcome message | Rangeley |
9:00am – 10:30am | Harry Lewis – Orgone Therapy in the United States | Via Zoom from New York City |
10:30am – 12:00noon | Patricia Estrada – Orgone Therapy in Latin America | Rangeley |
- Co-presenting with Patricia Estrada
- Denise Dessaune – in Rangeley
- Eugenio Marer – in Rangeley
- Rosina Nuñez – via Zoom from Argentina
12:00noon – 1:00pm | LUNCH BREAK | |
1:00pm – 2:30pm | Tina Lindemann – Orgontherapy in Germany as taught by Heiko Lassek | Rangeley |
2:30pm – 4:00pm | Siegfried Bach – The origins and characteristics of Biodynamic Psychotherapy (Gerde Boyesen) | Via Zoom from Panama City |
5:00pm-6:30pm | Documentary film Love, Work and Knowledge: The Life and Trials of Wilhelm Reich (free to conference attendees) | Rangeley Lakes Theater in the town of Rangeley |
Thursday, August 4 | DAY THREE SESSIONS | Speaking from: |
8:45am – 9:00am | James Strick – Welcome message | Rangeley |
9:00am – 10:30am | Narelle McKenzie – The Reichian Roots of the Radix Approach (Charles Kelley) | Via Zoom from Melbourne, Australia |
Melissa Lindsay – Co-presenting with Narelle McKenzie | Via Zoom from Hawaii, US | |
10:30am – 12:00noon | Frederic Lowen – Bioenergetics (Alexander Lowen) | Via Zoom from Vermont, US |
12:00noon – 1:00pm | LUNCH BREAK | |
1:00pm – 2:30pm | Meredith Sands Keator – East, West and Reich: Somatics in the 21st Century | Via Zoom from Toronto, Canada |
2:30pm – 4:00pm | Johanna Climenko – Reichian Therapy from the Inside Out/Outside In: How Wilhelm Reich’s Therapy, Dance Movement Therapy (DMT) and Laban Movement Analysis (LMA) impacted one another | Via Zoom from New York City |
- Co-presenting with Johanna Climenko
- Nelly Katsnelson – via Zoom from NYC
- Corinna Brown – via Zoom from NYC
7:00pm – 8:30pm | Clinical Session – | with guest(s) to be announced – local only, not broadcast over Zoom
Friday, August 5 | DAY FOUR SESSIONS | |
8:45am – 9:00am | Patricia Estrada – Welcome message | Rangeley |
9:00am – 10:30am | Karyne Wilner – Core Energetics (John Pierrakos) | Via Zoom from Bethel, Connecticut, US |
10:30am – 12:00noon | Liane Zink – Biosynthesis (David Boadella) | Via Zoom from Brazil |
Gerlinde Buchholz – Co-presenting with Liane Zink | Via Zoom from Berlin, Germany | |
12:00noon to 1:00pm | LUNCH BREAK | |
1:00pm – 2:30pm | Judyth Weaver – REICH & GINDLER: Toward Health and Sanity in the World | Via Zoom from Cortes Island, BC, Canada |
2:30pm – 3:15pm | Roundtable discussion with audience Q&A | Rangeley |
3:15pm – 3:30pm | Patricia Estrada Closing remarks | Rangeley |
Important Information for In-person Attendees
COVID-19 Policy
- Proof of vaccination will be required.
- Masks (N95 or KN95 worn snugly over nose and mouth) will be required at all times when indoors, except when eating. Masks will be provided if needed.
- Policy subject to revision based on changing circumstances.
Conference Venue
The conference sessions will be held in the gymnasium of the Rangeley Lakes Regional School on Mendolia Road.
On each of the four days of the conference, August 2-5, coffee, tea and a continental breakfast will be offered beginning at 8:15 AM in the on-site cafeteria at the school. Lunch will be provided during the break each day at 12 noon. Snacks will be provided as well. Food and beverages (except for water) should be consumed in the cafeteria only. Vegetarian options will be available. Please notify us of any dietary restrictions and we will do our best to accommodate.
The venue is approximately 4 miles from Orgonon, in the direction of the town of Rangeley.
Airports – Lodging – Automobile Rentals
The Wilhelm Reich Museum is a 4 hour drive from Boston Logan International Airport in Boston, Massachusetts, and a 2.5 hour drive from Portland International Jetport in Portland, Maine. (Be careful not to confuse the airport in Portland, Maine with Portland International Airport in Portland, Oregon.)
Lodging and automobile rentals are in high demand during the summer season in Maine, so we strongly suggest making reservations as far in advance as possible.
Conference Week In-person Activities
On Sunday, July 31 at 7:00pm, Pianist Andy Kahn will perform a concert to benefit the Wilhelm Reich Museum. To be held in the Rangeley Lakes Regional School gymnasium.
On Monday, August 1 at 9:00am, Renata Reich Moise will demonstrate the construction of a small orgone accumulator pad/blanket. Materials to construct your own accumulator pad will be available to participants for a fee of $25. To be held in the Rangeley Lakes Regional School gymnasium.
On Monday, August 1 from 2:00pm to 4:30pm, weather permitting, James Strick will host a hike to one of the local trails in the Rangeley area.
On Monday evening at 7:00pm, singer/songwriter Chris Ross, great-grandson of Wilhelm Reich, will perform outdoors at the Wilhelm Reich Museum Observatory Building (weather permitting).
On Tuesday, August 2 at 6:00pm, a wine and cheese reception for conference attendees will be held at the Orgone Energy Observatory building, which houses the exhibits of the Wilhelm Reich Museum. Small group tours of the museum will be provided to attendees after 4:30pm.
On Wednesday, August 3 at 5:00pm, the documentary film Love, Work and Knowledge: The Life and Trials of Wilhelm Reich, will be shown in the Rangeley Lakes Theater in the town of Rangeley – free to conference attendees.
Sponsor: The Wilhelm Reich Museum, Rangeley, Maine
Conference Organizer: Patricia Estrada
Conference Committee: Renata Reich Moise, Håvard Friis Nilsen, James Strick
Conference Coordinator and Technical Director: David Silver
In-person Full Price $375
In-person Student Price $175
Online Full Price $200
Online Student Price $100
In-person registration includes breakfast and lunch on each of the four days of the conference, admission to see the documentary film, Love, Work and Knowledge: The Life and Trials of Wilhelm Reich, at the Rangeley Lakes Theater, and free admission for museum tour.
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