An interview with Chester M. Raphael, M.D.
The Wilhelm Reich Museum, 1977
Dr. Raphael trained and worked with Reich from the late 1940s until Reich’s imprisonment in 1957, and was a practicing orgone therapist for over 40 years. In this 1977 interview, he answers a layman’s questions about orgone therapy in simple, clear and unambivalent language. This is valuable reading for anyone who wants to learn more about the specifics of orgone therapy.
During Reich’s lifetime, Dr. Raphael was also an officer of The Wilhelm Reich Foundation. After Reich’s death, he was deeply involved in the activities of The Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust–i.e. the Wilhelm Reich Museum, the preservation of Reich’s archives and the publishing of Reich’s books by Farrar, Straus & Giroux. He was Mary Higgins’ co-editor on numerous publications; wrote the Forewords to the 1973 edition of The Cancer Biopathy and Early Writings, Part One (1975); and co-wrote the Forewords, with Mary Higgins, to Reich Speaks of Freud (1967) and Genitality (1980).