Renata Reich Moise – Board President
Painter, Nurse Midwife, and unwitting community organizer, Renata Reich Moise lives in Hancock, Maine, across the road from the home she was born in. Wilhelm Reich’s teachings have permeated her entire life from the onset. She is honored to serve with such a genuine and dynamic group of committed people on the board of the WRIT.
James Strick, Ph.D.
Jim has studied Reich’s work since 1974 as an undergraduate. Now a PhD in history of biology and medicine (Princeton U., 1997) and a Professor at Franklin and Marshall College, he has published several books on the history of ideas and experiments about the origin of life, including Wilhelm Reich, Biologist (Harvard U. Press, 2015). He has served on the Trust’s Archives Committee since 2007, and on the Board since January 2017. He served as Board President from 2018 to 2021.
Brian Warren
Brian is a retired Colonel of 27 years of service with a 30+ year second career as an Organizational Development Consultant. He lives in Rangeley, Maine and has been a friend of the Trust since 1992. Brian graduated from Bowdoin College in 1966 and also holds an M.S. degree from the University of Northern Colorado. Brian is married, has three adult children and four grandsons, all living in Maine.
Håvard Friis Nilsen, Ph.D.
Professor of Social Science at Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway, studied history and philosophy of science at the University of Oslo, Universite Louis Pasteur, Strasbourg, and the University of Cambridge, has published several books and articles, among them “You Must Not Sleep: Wilhelm Reich and Psychoanalysis in Norway” and “Resistance in Therapy and War” in The International Journal of Psychoanalysis (2013).
Mai Yamaguchi
Bio coming.
David Silver – Executive Director
David holds a B.F.A. in Film & Television from NYU Tisch School of the Arts and an M.S. in Computer Science from NYU Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences. He has been a Chief Operating Officer of a publicly traded company and brings his background in business, high-tech, media, lifelong interest in the work of Wilhelm Reich and general handyman skills to his role as Executive Director of the Wilhelm Reich Infant Trust.